When we talk about mountains we think about grandiose peaks, dazzlingly sparkling with snow caps, sheer walls and summits which lost high in the blue sky. However, not all mountains are measured by kilometer-long walls. There are other mountains – old, not so spectacular, but hiding ancient wisdom in the corners of their possessions. And yet there is something common in all mountains, both old and young, high and low. You felt it immediately as soon as you appear in their possessions. The world breaks away from the horizontal and the earth disappears from under your feet, the water wakes up and acquires the roaring voice, the weather rapidly and unpredictably changes, and the wind whispers something in archaic dialects or howls with the voices of prehistoric giants, menacing lightning strike beautiful rainbows from stones, and bloody sunsets give the birth to impenetrable darkness with myriads of stars overhead. Mountains are the world in which you can’t help but feel the Mystery that surrounds you on all sides, and unraveling it, finally you realize that the main secret is hidden within you.