Teddy bears
Bears, those that are not “brown”, “himalayan” or “grizzly”, but those who belonging to the “Teddy” species, are born thanks to amazing master wizards. These bears always carry inside a piece of the beautiful soul of their creator.
All bears are different: cheerful, thoughtful, modest, brave, proud, clumsy, experienced, inquisitive. Some of them have their whole lives open, and they want to meet with a new person. Communication with such pets is very easy, and photo shoots are born simply and naturally because most of the ideas are suggested by the models themselves. Other animals are closed and constrained. You have to establish contact with them for a long time, delve into their innermost experiences, try to read their plush thoughts, and then you begin to understand that they are not just toys, but deep personalities, each with its own unique fate. And they so rejoice and blossom when you manage to engage them in the game they have long dreamed of!